Tuesday, June 17, 2008


We finished spraying the house with flea killer last night. I vacuumed this morning. I have not had any fleas jump on me today! Yeah! We may have solved the problem without the Orkin Man.

And we're in the middle of Vacation Bible School this week. I'm in a room with 12 children about to turn 2. It's been a lot of crazy fun. I'm in there with some other moms from our Sunday School class. We're doing crafts, changing diapers, holding sobbing youngsters, scraping chocolate cupcake icing off of every conceivable surface, etc. Seth and I will be partaking of all this fun every day this week from 9-12. I can tell that we're both going to be totally exhausted by the time the week is over. =)

So if you've emailed me or called me, this is why I haven't gotten back to you yet. I'll get there. After I'm done making macaroni necklaces...

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