Saturday, September 15, 2007

Partner-size office...

This post is mostly for Powell and Helen, since they know what I'm talking about...

We went this morning to David's new office to put up pictures and knick knacks and whatnot. The baby took his morning nap in his tent in a dark corner by some empty attorney offices, and we closed the door and hammered away to our heart's content. We got up the diplomas (including the obnoxiously huge one from UVA), and David's signed picture of all the Justices. When we walked in, I was shocked. The office is HUGE! It's the size of a mid-ranking partner office at David's old law firm, and it has a whole wall of three huge, floor-to-ceiling windows. The view is great. He's on the top floor of the building, and his view is of lots of green trees and neat old houses. It's really nice. So there, law firms of the world! He may be getting paid less, but at least he's not holed up in a closet sized office with a teeny window, like he would be in DC.

David is still adjusting to life outside the law firm world, though. He had to laugh at how spoiled he'd gotten. Good-bye, ever-flowing soda fountains on each floor. Hello, grimy coffee pot with money cup sitting next to it. Good-bye, secretaries who know how to do everything and mostly do it for you. Hello, self-sufficiency. Good-bye, nicely stocked supply room. Hello, supply cabinet with half used, floppy legal pads and nothing left but pink and purple highlighters. Good-bye, posh firm events with gourmet food. Hello, yearly picnic complete with pink hot dogs.

But, at this new office, most people get every other Friday off! Can you believe it? All you have to do is agree to work a 9 hour day every day! We had to laugh at that. David hasn't worked less than that anywhere he's worked since he graduated from law school five years ago. At this office, the question is not, "Do I come in this weekend?" The question is: "Do I come in on my Friday off?" I feel soooo blessed... a living wage, and every other Friday off (in theory)... my cup overfloweth...

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