Thursday, January 25, 2007

Baby coming tomorrow...

I went in for a regular check-up today, and came out with an order for a c-section. This was not what I'd planned on, but I'll take it. Apparently the other two doctors in my practice can't tell the difference between my child's head and his little bottom. Hmmmm. This does not bode well for the future. =) He's totally breech, as confirmed by the ultrasound they did, and his poor little legs are stuck up near his ears. My fluid is a little low, though not dangerous, so the smart doctor I had today decided that he needs to enter the world tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. This is kind of a shock for us because I was sure I was going vaginal on my own, but we're excited. I'm nervous, though, so please pray for a safe and healthy surgery for everyone. We love you all.


SMS said...

Our prayers are with you guys !!! Can't wait to see the little guy!! Love you Anne girl..

Chel said...

Oh, congratulations! I've had two c-sections, and you'll have a beautiful little boy with no squishy head from the delivery. :) Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! This time tomorrow evening you'll be holding your little boy!! Cool beans! Our thoughts & prayers are with you!

Rachel said...

Wow! I'm in shock! Can't believe they didn't know sooner! You'll be in my prayers tomorrow - Hey, must have pictures Immediatly!!! : )