Sunday, May 06, 2007

Spiderman 3...

So, on Friday, I called David at work and asked him if he'd like me to rent a movie while I was out. He replied, "No, I want to go see Spiderman 3 in the theater. Seth can come along." Now, I thought he was joking, and he kind of was, but I got to thinking about it, and I thought, "Why not? If he can be quiet for an hour and fall asleep on David's knees during caregroup meeting on Thursday, why is a movie any different?" And so was born the plan to take a 3-month-old to an action movie on opening weekend.

And now I will give you my reasons why taking a baby to an action movie is different than taking him to caregroup meeting:

1. Buildings and cars are not exploding at amazing decibel levels at caregroup meeting.
2. Our caregroup leader, Dave, does not speak softly with quiet music playing in the backgroud and then suddenly throw bombs at us, thereby causing the nursing baby on my lap to jump, begin crying, and then refuse to nurse further.
3. At caregroup, I do not have to then go out to a hall and sit in a corner on the floor by the water fountains to finish nursing said baby.

=) All said, it was a successful outing notwithstanding. I had enough Mommy guilt about it that I won't be doing it again, but he did sleep on David's lap through most of the movie, and I covered his ears with my hands to make myself feel a little better. Other than the nursing incident, and the death grip that he had on my sweater for a minute after we re-entered the loud theater, he didn't seem phased by the movie at all. And he gave me sweet, happy smiles and coos on the way home because he was so thrilled to be up way past his bed time for once. Well, another adventure in parenting for us newbies. And oh yeah, Spiderman 3 was good. You should check it out. I might suggest scrounging up the money for a babysitter. But wait, then you wouldn't have anything left over for the movie. Sigh. Oh well, just wait for it to come out on DVD. =)


SMS said...

umm... you are crazy.

Momma B. said...

Wow! You guys are so brave. I think the first movie FL went to was a Documentary eith Aunt Patty and Mimi at the IMAX. SHe was 11 months old and I thought they were crazy! HEre's to the adventure of Parenting!