Saturday, May 19, 2007

Happy Sixth Anniversary Sweetheart

Ellen, Here's to another year of not letting life get in the way of loving one another. For five years and nine months of marriage, it was just the two of us. In good times and bad, we clung to each other and built our marriage with God’s help. This year, we started a new chapter with the birth of Seth. But as this new adventure takes over our lives, I continue to see God’s grace and blessing in giving you to me.

I appreciate your willingness to follow God's leading even when the results are scary. Our decision to accept my current job and move up here was one of those scary decisions. Even in the face of uncertainty, you were willing to trust God and (even more amazingly) to trust me. I don't deserve that trust, but I appreciate you giving it to me.
Above is the picture of us the day we decided to accept an offer to clerk with the Supreme Court and to return to DC.

One of your finest qualities is your sensitivity to relationships. You notice when we are not spending enough time together or when there is an unmet emotional need. You are able to communicate how you feel, and you often notice how I feel without my even saying anything. Our relationship is so much stronger because you care enough to notice when there is hurt, and you care enough to do something about it. You never take our marriage for granted. Even as our responsibilities for Seth and for life come close to driving us crazy, I can count on you to make our marriage a priority.

I appreciate the energy and fun you bring to our marriage. Sometimes, it is easy for me to get bogged down with work and responsibility. You lift my spirits. Even after six years of adult life, you still have a light-hearted spirit. You make me laugh. I am glad that you delight in little things—like cold Dr. Pepper and a bag of Cheetos. My life would be very dull without you.
The picture above is from our 5th anniversary trip. Nothing like a little farm miniature golf. The one below is us at the Virginia State fair this past fall.

It is an amazing thing to be a parent with you. It is hard to imagine a task more long-term and difficult task than raising our child. But I see your great qualities as you interact with Seth. You love him and are always seeking play with him, talk to him, and bring him joy. You are patient—even when it is difficult or inconvenient (and even when it involves a change of clothing). You are a great mother, and I enjoy our time together growing as a family.

I love the fact that you put God first. It is not always easy as we become increasingly busy, but your desire is evident. It is great that you are willing to acknowledge your struggles and seek to improve. You also challenge me to serve God more. Just as iron sharpens iron (Prov. 27:17), you sharpen my relationship with God, you challenge me to admit my mistakes and failings, and you push me to seek God in all aspects of my life. "A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Prov. 31:30b.

This meager list does not capture very many of your great qualities, but I thought I would mention a few:

  • Godly: You are always seeking to make your relationship with God stronger. I appreciate your efforts to have a quiet time, to go to Bible study and to be involved in church. I also amazed that you are so willing to accept God’s plans no matter where they lead.

  • Thoughtful: You are quick to see the needs of others and attempt to do something about them.

  • Flexible: When I married you, you had never moved except for an hour and a half away to go to college. Since I have married you—Kernersville, NC, to Charlottesville, VA to Silver Spring, MD, to Birmingham, AL, to Arlington, VA, and soon to Raleigh, NC. Many of these moves were not easy, but you always make a huge effort to settle in, get to know people, and make each place we live a home.

  • Gorgeous: You are more beautiful every year. I bet there aren’t any women who look so good when nine months pregnant or three months after having a baby. You have a beautiful smile, and your sincerity shines right through.

  • Communicator: You are one of the best communicators I know. Most importantly, you are honest about who you are. You are willing to tell me how you feel no matter what. Your openness has made me more comfortable to share with you. Together we have learned more and more about each other.

  • Diligent: Things have definitely been busier since Seth arrived. It is great to see how hard you work to get things done and take care of our family. You do the grocery shopping, make sure the house is neat, do the laundry, make dinner, and of course rock our demanding baby in the meantime. After that, you still have time to reach out to others. Before Seth, you worked, fed me, and got a masters degree (the outstanding graduate of the history department with a 4.0 no less).

Happy Anniversary to the woman I couldn't live without.


Ellen said...

Hmmm, I think somebody remembered my blogger password. =)I love you, too, baby, and I'm so thankful for 6 wonderful years with you.

Rachel said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Love you!!!