Monday, March 12, 2007

Wendy and Jon

We had a wonderful time watching Wendy and Jon tie the knot! They're married! Guys, we're sooo happy for you! We've known you for about 10 years now!, and we've watched you grow and change since college. We know that your lives make God smile. We've watched Him prepare you for each other through all your adventures and your reactions to them. You sought Him, and eventually, after years of wondering where Mr. and Ms. Right were, He showed you that you had become them for each other. You were right under each other's noses the whole time, but yet, you weren't. You weren't the people you are today, so you weren't ready for the revealing just yet, I guess. We can't wait to watch you grow together into one flesh.

Wendy, you said that you wanted Seth to be the first baby that you held on your wedding day. And he was. You're so beautiful. And it's fitting that a bride holds a little one. There's your future. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Wendy Parker LOVED holding baby Seth! I'm so thrilled that y'all were able to come to our wedding. It meant so much to me to have you there, and to see Seth with my own eyes & hold him with my own arms. Thank you so much for posting a blog for us!! I love the picture of me holding Seth, and he absolutely was the first baby I held as a bride. :) Our honeymoon was great...just what we needed to relax, spend time together, and get to know one another. We're so blessed. I'll update my blog ASAP. I'm so glad y'all were there!!!