Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Job interview

Hi, everybody. Well, this is kind of last minute, and I don't know who or how many of you will be reading this, but I just wanted you to know that David has a job interview. It's tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. (Thursday) if you'd like to pray for him then. "A job interview?" you ask. Yes, I know. It doesn't seem like this should be an interviewing season to us, either, but hey, whatever God wants. David's clerkship doesn't end until next July, so we haven't been too stressed about what comes next just yet. But this interview dropped in our laps, so there it is. If David got this job, it would take us in a new direction that we've been thinking and praying about. Who knows what God wants for us? I sure don't, and I'm not sure I even want to try and figure it out just yet. I have been doing a lot of praying about what comes next for us. I've been struggling to give up all my expectations of what that might look like. It's been tough, but I've been trying. I haven't wanted to fight God about our future location and job prospects, but I've realized lately that I have deeply rooted expectations of what our American dream should look like. If we got this job, a lot of that American dream would come true. Funny, isn't it? Here, I've been trying so hard to give it up, and it looks like it could fall in our laps anyway. Nothing is certain. I may have to go back to struggling and giving it up, but I am smiling right now at the irony. I'll keep you posted if anything comes of it.


SMS said...

If this interview is along the lines of the type of dream job we were discussing for him while you were visiting... I am praying very hard... for David but also for you for patience and grace and contentment..I know I know, thats a real plate full ;) Call me!!!!!!!

Momma B. said...

I am praying! Isn't it fun how God can just surprise us with these things sometimes!! Hope it goes well.