Saturday, July 14, 2012

mama’s minutia…


- Ummm, so, I was going through photos in Picasa, showing Seth what he looked like in my tummy long ago to explain the offhanded remark, “Hey, I shared my body with you for 9 months, so you need to let me put my cherry pits on your plate, bubba.” I will never look like this again. Look at that arm. It’s a toothpick. Sigh. I’m a richer woman with a much bigger arm now…

- My mommy came into town and helped me out with the boys so I could go to have my ovaries ultrasounded. (Is that a term? Probably not.) It was like “Survivor: Grandmother Edition.” “Ok, Mom, you’re going to have to make sure and get Ben up in plenty of time to feed him cereal (duck flying arms here), and get Evan and Ben both loaded in the car to pick Seth up at VBS. And it’s the first day, so they may give you a lot of stuff. And make sure to pack a snack for Evan because carpool line could take awhile. Mom? Mom? Stop hyperventilating…” (She did great. I did not find it funny when David said at lunch time that she might not have called because she hadn’t had time to yet because of all the chaos with the search dogs and the police and whatnot.)

- But anyway, I don’t have ovarian cancer or a cyst. I’m perfectly normal. It’s just that I’ve developed a particularly ugly kind of normal that gives me painful ovulation. This could go away after I stop breastfeeding… or not. Some women have it every month for their entire lives. Here’s hoping I’m not one of them…. But I am glad to know there isn’t anything more serious.

- So, back to the picture above. That was taken in our living room when we lived in Arlington, VA. We were on the 12th floor of a 16 story building. I have such good memories of that apartment. We didn’t have room for a crib in our one bedroom, but there was room in the tiny hallway for a cradle, so that’s where Seth slept for his first 6 months. And when it snowed, the view was gorgeous from all those windows, high up in the air…

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