Wednesday, July 25, 2012

getting ready…


Evan sorting pom poms onto construction paper… in his underwear. We’re nothing if not classy around here…

If its been a little quiet on ye olde blog lately, it hasn’t been because I haven’t spent a lot of time at the computer. It’s just that my time on the computer lately is all about “pinning” school ideas and typing up lesson plans. (I’ve joined Pinterest. This may be a very bad thing.)

I think it started when the stores started putting out the school supplies. I had to have that $.75 flexible plastic covered composition book at Target because they didn’t have those when I was growing up, and it just went from there. I started making school lists in the composition book, and that just naturally led to frantic planning mode….

I have lists of the things I need to assemble. I have lists of things I need to buy. I have lists of information to search for on the internet.

It’s all good. Yes, it is. I’ll be ready come…. hmmm, when are we starting school again? Oh yeah, I’m the teacher so I get to decide! =) Hmmm, maybe the beginning of September. Yeah, that sounds good.

A friend of mine started up her little homeschool for the year. I got to see her first day of school pictures on Facebook, and that led to more thinking. Wait a second… do we need to do something special for the first day of school?

I feel like such a newbie.

I don’t remember doing much that was different for our first days of homeschool growing up, but maybe we did, and I just don’t remember. Well, I think we should start off with a bang. Big sugary, salty breakfast for all, hidden school supplies in the back yard, and first day of school pictures… and then maybe a field trip. I think we’ll start on a Friday… that’ll build anticipation for the next week, right? =)

David and I cleaned and re-organized the playroom last night. He’s always itching to throw away toys, and I was itching to go through everything so I could make an educated list of preschool activities for Evan to do while Seth and I do reading, math, and handwriting. Clean, organized bookshelves make me smile. =)

So if it gets quiet around here, it’s just because I’m turning into a new teacher, and it takes time to figure that out…

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