Saturday, February 23, 2013

Good things...

"I took down that blue marker, yo. Yes, yes, I did."

- Crazy male family members who like to take walks with umbrellas in the freezing rain.... though they may not be so thrilled about changing their pants when they return. =) 

- Finding the perfect spider science experiments to go with our spiders unit study for next week. Throwing cotton ball "bugs" at a giant web made in the playroom doorway with painter's tape? Yes, please!

- That now seems like a good time to pull out "Charlotte's Web" for our next read aloud.

- The gorgeous quiche lorraine that my mother left in my fridge for my birthday. I can eat on that bad boy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

- That a little vacuuming and clean sheets is enough to make me feel like the house is "clean." =) 

- The baby who runs away from me like a cheerful, tiny drunk when I catch him with something he isn't supposed to have. 

- Playing Uno with my big 6-year-old... who finally wants to add in the extra cards instead of just using the numbered ones.

- Finally learning how to make good beef stew without a recipe...

- "The Reason for God" by Tim Keller, and a great adult Sunday School class to explore it with...

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