Thursday, October 28, 2010



- For a computer that works again, and for a friend to lead me to good people to fix it….

- A refreshing afternoon nap…

- Pajama pants…

- God’s leading to head to the children’s museum yesterday, spur of the moment. It was exactly the break from fussing that I needed. Just get me a t-shirt that says, “I’m a reactive parent”. =)

- A newly walking 16-month-old…. walking actually slows him down currently. =)

- Daddy coming home tonight for dinner and the library costume party…

- My little fisherman and my little dinosaur…

- A friend’s stellar post roast that made dinner for me and sandwiches for David…

- Boys who played happily in the tub last night so I could clean out under all the bathroom cabinets…

- Being able to talk through the latest parenting challenges on the phone with David as he drove home late last night….

- Trader Joe’s dark chocolate covered caramels. Heaven in a plastic tub…

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