Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Scuffed shoes...

I got up this morning early to go and look at a house with the realtor. I was so excited about this new listing that I didn't sleep well last night. Lots of pros, only a couple thought provoking cons... but I had no peace. As much as I'd like to manufacture it, it wasn't there. So I was grumpy about that, wishing and wishing I had had peace about it. David saw it with me, and he wasn't sure about it either, but he could eagerly check off all the pros on my list with me. Grrr.

But after that realty adventure, I took Seth over to a new friend's house. She has 5 kids, and they have one car for the family. She isn't able to come and visit others during the day while her husband is at work, so some of us in our MOPS small group are going to her. I sat with her and heard her story while Seth was thoroughly entertained by her sweet children. It included health problems, job losses, tough times learning home maintenance after renting for ages in New York, tight finances... and God's grace working throughout. She had such peace and gentleness in the midst of her circumstances. I was humbled, and I realized afresh how little I truly have to grumble about.

I saw my life with the new eyes that only come after imagining yourself walking in shoes much more scuffed than your own. I will wash my dishes, fold my laundry, and smother my son with kisses with extra gratitude today.

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