Saturday, August 04, 2007

Help!! Teething monster...

Well, our visit with cousins has come to an end, and I'll post more on that later, but for now, I need help from out there in Blogland. Seth is teething. I'm pretty positive about this. I feel a couple of little teeth coming through up top, he had a slight fever yesterday, and he's drooling up a storm and chewing on his shirt...a lot. The worst part of this is that my perfect little sleeper is long gone. Two nights ago, he woke up 3 times before morning. He normally wakes up once, if at all. I fed him in order to keep him from waking everyone else in the house, including the two sleeping little girls. Last night, he woke up twice, and I fed him one of those times. We gave him some baby Motrin the second time he woke, not realizing we shouldn't, so now he has a few little red spots on his face. Back to the baby Tylenol... Anyway, that did seem to help some. Hyland's Teething Tablets have not done any good so far. Today, he slept for 30 minutes of his afternoon nap before waking up screaming. David's walking him around the block now. His naps for the past few days have definitely been shorter than normal. I'm hoping maybe some of this craziness has to do with the fact that he's been sleeping in our room because there have been 4 adults and 3 kids under 5 in our house for a week. But what do I do when he doesn't nap well or sleep well at night? Should I make him lie there for the normal time like I would do if he wasn't in pain? Do I feed him whenever he wakes up at night? By the way, he also seems a little more hungry than normal the past couple of days. Is that caused by teething, too? Anyway, I need advice... Anybody got any ideas on what to do? How long is this going to last? It's been too long already....


Momma B. said...

Well, just keep giving him some tylenol. Try some of those teething toys you can freeze or cool for him to chomp on. Give the tylenol about 30 minutes before bed or nap time. It could also be the transition has finally caught up with him. But if he's hungry feed him just be aware that it doesn't take long to form a habit. It will be over soon. It's so hard to have to go back to getting up at night after you get used to sleeping through! We'll pray for some relief for you all.

Shannon said...

Ian's been on the fussy side with teething too, moreso than my girls were. I've been told that teething, along with increasing drool, can increase other drainage that can upset their little tummies. It might make them feel better to have something on their stomachs if that's the case, or maybe this is just coinciding with a growth spurt??? If you find something that helps, let me know...otherwise, I'm sticking it out right along with you! :)

Erin said...

Hey Ellen-
Could it be a growth spurt? It seems like he's about the right age to hit a growth spurt and be more hungry. Could be a combination of things. So sorry! I know it's hard when there's nothing that works.