Thursday, August 09, 2007


And here's our new bedroom. I don't know how it happened, but this is by far the girliest room I've had since I was a little girl. Shhh, don't tell David. Maybe he won't notice. I think it started because I needed some very sheer curtains because this house is so dark, and it ended with me deciding that my china would be cute on top of the built in shelves above our windows. Can you tell I really like antiques? It doesn't hurt that we have a lot of family members who've donated antiques to us. The bed and the dresser were hand me downs from my Great Uncle Richard. The Whitaker side of my family has fantastic antique giveaways. Props to my Great Aunt Helen for some of our other decor as well. I should've been born in the mid 19th century...

David and I have spent a lot of time putting up pictures and curtains and mirrors in the past couple of days. I think tomorrow we'll be making a trip to the dreaded DMV. =( Wish us luck. Seth is nursing his first cold, and he's a little snuffly crankypants. I'm glad David is here to help me with him. But... today he decided that he wanted to eat an entire little jar of sweet potatos in one sitting. I tried to go back to rice cereal after a couple of spoonfuls of potatos, and he was having none of that. So he polished off the jar, and then he was willing to eat a little more white goo. It was pretty funny. This was the first time he's expressed a definite preference for a particular food. We're starting the chocolate cake and ice cream baby food from Gerber tomorrow. =)

You may be totally bored with this blog at this point. I want breaks from my to do list, so I blog. Please be patient with me. I'm bound to have the time and inclination to write something a little deeper one of these days...


Rachel said...

I can definitely see where you get your decorating sense from! : ) It shows through!! (i do like what you've done with the new place!)
Emma just loved sweet potatoes, and it is still her favorite! When she went through some strange "i'm not eating anything today" stage, I could always fall back on sweet potatoes!!

Valerie said...

When my son didn't want to eat rice cereal by itself, I started mixing it with a jar of baby food so it was flavored. That always worked in our house!

One of your faithful random readers in the middle of the country...:)

SMS said...

Super cute lady! Looks like a Whitaker home :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the post about mixing stuff in the rice cereal? How do I know? When I worked in the NYC daycare, we had a number of tricks like that. We'd usually mix applesauce into the cereal or oatmeal; if a baby had diarrhea, we'd give her rice to dry her up; we'd wash plastic toys and blocks in the dishwasher to keep them clean; etc. One day maybe I'll put that knowledge to use myself. :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I can't type. That was supposed to be, "ditto on the COMMENT about mixing stuff into the rice cereal..." and there shouldn't have been a "?" after that sentence. Glad we got that cleared up. Look at me, filling up your inbox and comment box with comments. :)