Thursday, March 29, 2007

Cocky mommy...

Last night, as we got ready for bed, David and I were talking about what a wonderful baby we have. And then David said, "Of course, it doesn't have anything to do with us." And we laughed quietly. He is incredibly portable, and I know if he starts melting down that I've really pushed the limits of what he can handle. Guilt, guilt! He naps anywhere, and that includes his cradle, even during the day. I thought that would be a battle when I started it, but it wasn't. He goes to sleep easily at night, and after his middle of the night feedings. He loves his schedule. He smiles, and coos, and he loves to be held and to look at faces.

But...we know that this has very little to do with us. I've learned that when you have a great baby, it might be tempting to smile with pride and say, "Well, it's because of all those books that I read that he sleeps so well in his cradle, blah, blah..." Maybe they helped a little, but I've learned through looking at other parents, wonderful parents, that so much has to do with a baby's unique personality. Rachel had Collin, and he's a very happy toddler, but he was not a happy baby. Rachel, can I get a witness, here! =) Emma, on the other hand, is a wonderfully easygoing baby. Same parents, totally different experience. Dan and Kelli have three, and the first two were pretty standard issue babies, but that third, Olivia, was another story. She was colicky, and all their sleep tricks from the first two just bounced right off of her. I know Kelli can give me a witness there, too.

So, all that to say, that I need to remember every day that Seth's easygoing nature is pure grace from God. He knew that we would be in a one-bedroom apartment right now, so He was kind enough to give us a child who is perfectly content to sleep in his cradle in the tiny hallway. He knew that David would have to work some long, hard, nutty hours this spring, so he gave us a child that wouldn't fight us much at all on the sleep thing, thereby giving David just enough sleep to continue to be sane. Which reminds me, by the way, please pray for my husband. He's been getting up very early, coming home very late, and working almost all weekend for a couple of weeks now, and he'll be doing this for at least a couple more weeks. I know he's tired, even though he's not complaining, and he even still tries to help me out a little around here. Thank God that he gave me a baby that would require less so that I wouldn't have to rely on David so much right now. I am very grateful. God is so good, isn't he? He gives us just what we need, just at the right season in our lives. I am so thankful for the gentle and thoughtful way that He orchestrates things to provide for even the smallest needs that I have right now.


Momma B. said...

I am so glad to hear that the sleeping is going well!! Yahoo! You do have a great baby but you ARE a great Momma, too! God is so merciful, huh? We are praying for David, that's hard but just like newborn baby nights, it won't last forever, will it? We love YOU!!!

Rachel said...

You're so right! We have some much less control than we like think! Emma has slept so good, but I know that I've had nothing to do with it!
So glad Seth sleeps so well, but remember, he's still in that little baby stage where they'll sleep anywhere and through anything. At some point that does go away. Emma still sleeps great, but she doesn't sleep at church anymore or while out doing errands. It's normal!! : ) You're a great Mommy!!!