Monday, August 14, 2006

A new job...for me?

I got a job! Yes, I'm just that excited about it. I've been looking for two weeks, and though I know that isn't that long, I was beginning to think that acquiring a job this time around might be a hopeless proposition. A temping I would go I know that God got me this job. David and I did some thinking about what kind of job would be best for me at this point. I got my M.A. in History right before we left Birmingham, and before we found out I was pregnant, we thought I'd take that museum experience that I had from when we lived here before and try to find a nice history related job with one of the numerous historic sites and museums in this area. Getting pregnant changed those plans in an instant. =) Now I knew I was going to be looking for something I could quit in January without anyone getting too angry with me. I had two years of teaching in a private, Christian preschool under my belt, and it was such a sympathetic atmosphere for pregnant women and moms that this seemed to be the way to go again. So I dug out the phone book and started calling preschools. I think I must've called about 25 of them, checking their addresses on Mapquest and hunting up their websites to make sure they weren't too far away and that they offered a normal school day schedule. I emailed resumes; I fielded phone calls. I found that most of them were fully staffed for the fall. I also found that my honesty about my pregnancy was creating a problem for me. I can't really blame these directors; after all, they'd have the trouble of finding somebody to replace me when my time comes. I don't know that I'd want to hire me right now, either. But it was still discouraging. I had a couple of interviews, and even though I'd told them about my pregnancy over the phone, and they had still wanted to meet me, I could tell that it only started to sink in to them once they started talking to me that I would probably be leaving in January. I appreciated the bluntness of one director I spoke with, though it was a little hard to take. She said on the phone, "Well, this is a one year contract. What are you going to do with the baby?" I figure that she said what most of them were thinking. So by the time the end of last week rolled around, I was figuring it'd be a miracle if anyone hired me. On Thursday, I got a call out of the blue from a director I hadn't even called. She'd gotten my name from another director in the local preschool association, and her school was one of the closest, 15 minutes away in Mclean. She wanted me to come in for an interview, and even though she recognized I'd probably be leaving after the baby came, she said that she'd have time to find someone else. She's a lovely woman, very warm and friendly. To top it off, she used to work for a obgyn, so she was interested in my pregnancy. So I have a job as a co-teacher in a 2 1/2-3k class on Tuesdays and Thursdays with the option of subbing other days of the week. It may not sound glamorous, but it's what Baby and I probably need, and I'm thankful that God has provided something for me. David said when he came home, "You know, God always provides you with something. You've had two bosses hire you knowing that you were probably only going to be around for a year. Now you've had somebody hire you for 6 months! You've been really blessed with jobs." He's right; I really have. I'm so thankful for it. We have a Father who looks out for us. He is the Great Provider, and I know I've seen multiple miracles in job provision from His hands.


SMS said...

Well done lady! Congrats!

Momma B. said...

SO Glad for you! No more moping around the apartment for you!! Hate that I missed your call, we'll talk soon!! love you-