Thursday, May 31, 2012

first day at the pool….

IMG_0463 This was our first day at the pool for the season. This winter, I felt like it would never come, and yet, here it is! =)

Last summer at this time, I was a waddling behemoth in a maternity suit.

This summer, I have a little water baby to snuggle. He LOVED the pool, splashing and kicking those tiny arms and legs for hours. I fed him his cereal in a shady spot in a plastic chair, a big beach towel wrapped around him for leverage. I think he enjoyed it more than any of my other babies, and he definitely kept his hat on far better than they did.

Sooo….. lots of friends that we love at the pool to play with us- check.

Plenty of fun picnic food- including the Lunchable and the squeezable applesauce that had Evan saying, “Thank you for the Happy Meal, Mommy!” – check

Lots of summer fun to look forward to- double check!


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