Tuesday, September 07, 2010

on the climbing of stairs…


Laundry whirring, bread kneading in the Zoji, clean dishes draining quietly…

I can sit for a minute, and that’s good. Got so many little tidbits of things in my head… little fall plans and random errands and desires for this week and next. I like seeing the month’s calendar filling in here and there with places and loved people.

Good weekend with the parents at Breezy Point (though I am currently kinda pooped). Seth had his first time fishing in the boat with Papa. He stayed there, happy as a clam, reeling in his line over and over again… for an hour and a half. And he’s only 3. I think that Papa may be training his fishing buddy for the patience required to actually fish with any sort of seriousness.

I appreciate the multiple ways in which my parents are generous with us. Dad patiently lets Seth “help” him with all sorts of tasks he could do faster on his own, like fishing or mowing. Mom sends her fresh garden produce on so that we’ll have something besides fast food to eat on the way home. They never begrudge us an evening to go out, no matter how few evenings we’ll have with them. Meals are planned and executed with little fuss but plenty of work, and I have to kick Mom away from the kitchen sink to enjoy a sunset with her grandbaby before its all gone. Thank you, Mom and Dad.

Community Bible Study starts this Thursday. Seth and Evan will both have new teachers, and I’m so excited to hear Seth randomly tell me the Bible verses he’s memorizing with his class. He learned more from being in CBS this past year than he did from Sunday School or MOPs. I’m totally impressed with their children’s program so far.

And a few crafts that are on my fall to do list…. I want to make these cookies for both boys’ Sunday School teachers and CBS teachers. We’ll see if that happens or not. I bought the food coloring anyway… And I want to make this wreath for my door. I’m thinking of spray painting it silver and hot glueing some fake cranberries on there and calling it a Christmas wreath. I haven’t seen any wreaths I really liked in the stores for less than $50, and I’m not paying that, so we’ll try this. Maybe. =)

There are many stairs that I have yet to climb on my way to a productive and organized fall season. Whatever. I’ll just do my best and let the rest go. So many desires… so little time. =)

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