Sunday, August 02, 2009

Cute baby legs...

It's 3:00 a.m., and I have a new allergy to crepe myrtles, which has led to a hacking cough, which means I'm not sleeping. So I thought I'd do something truly productive, like post pictures of cute baby legs. Couldn't you just eat them with a spoon?

And here is the big baby, copying Evan sleeping on the Boppy. His latest obsession is wearing his sunglasses anywhere and everywhere. He's very proud of the fact that he can usually get them on over his ears all by himself. We are not allowed to help. I expect that when Evan is 30, he will call me on the phone and say, "Mom, I have this recurring dream that one of the Blues Brothers keeps trying to shove a green pacifier in my mouth, and I wake up in a cold sweat. Did something traumatic happen when I was a baby?"
Wonder how much that therapy is going to set us back... =)
And now I'm going to go upstairs and try the sleep thing again...

1 comment:

SMS said...

Too cute!!! Sorry to hear about your allergies though :( Hope they get all better very soon!