Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Making cheap diapers work overnight...

I like to buy cheap diapers. They don't have fragrance, which I really like, and I don't like the hit that Pampers takes to my wallet. So I buy Parent's Choice at Walmart. Only one problem. My 15-month-old really likes to chug him some milk right before bed. Parent's Choice can't take him through the night... dry. So I bought some Diaper Doublers from Babies R' Us. They're about $2.50 for 30 doublers, and they look like long maxi pads without wings and sticky. They work great! He doesn't wake up wet anymore, and I can keep buying the cheapos. The other night, we decided to leave the baby for an impromptu sleepover at his grandparents. Unfortunately, we didn't have a single diaper doubler left. Oops. Well, I figured that they're basically glorified maxi pads anyway, so guess what my baby had to help him through the night that night? I will be deleting this post before he's old enough to read.... Works for me!


Jodi said...

I am going to try this! My daughter can't quite go all night without a change.

Shawna said...

I have never heard of these. Thank you for the tip!

John Deere Mom said...

That's so funny. My kids used to drink a ton before bed too and leak through diapers. I started buying the super "mattress" size pads and it worked!
I use White Cloud diapers from Wal-Mart. They are the best brand out there for my kids!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I may have to try these! I buy cheap diapers for day and Pampers for night, but this sounds way less spendy in the long run!