Thursday, January 17, 2008

Don't Waste Your Infertility link...

I just found this off of Sallie's blog, but I didn't want those of you who don't read there to miss this...

Go here...

I really identified with this author's feelings. When we lived with infertility, I remember always feeling like this was Plan B. We were just in a holding pattern to get back to Plan A, which was having kids. I didn't see infertility as God's current, purposeful, meaningful will for my life because I didn't want to accept that. This pain couldn't be God's will... could it? But it was, and I did some wasting of it because I wasn't willing to look around and see God's Plan A for me at the moment. He had some things for me to do during infertility. He had some new directions that He wanted our lives to take that we wouldn't take unless He postponed us having children a bit longer. I see that now, but boy, I couldn't see it then. Anyway, just go read...

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