Monday, April 12, 2010

B is for butterfly…


We’re still doing “school” about once a week during Evan’s nap time. Friday last week was Butterfly Day!

- We read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”

- I wrote a capital “B” on his Magnadoodle, and had him identify it. We talked about lower case and capital letters, and I wrote out the word “butterfly” for him.

- We watched this video about three times. He loved it, and it was a great, short explanation of butterfly metamorphosis. YouTube is a homeschooling mom’s best bud…

- And then we made butterflies for the playroom! This has to be one of Seth’s favorite crafts so far. So easy, and so much excitement for so little effort. =)

First, take a white sheet of construction paper, and fold it in half. Open it up, and dribble different colors of paint on ONLY one side of the crease. Fold it back over, and have your preschooler pat and pat and pat the paper. Then have him help you open it up again! He’ll be amazed by what he sees!  Let the paint dry overnight, cut around the butterfly shape, and then glue construction paper antennae on him. You’re done… and you’ve fired up your child’s imagination and color recognition skills (since they have to identify the color to choose which paint to use next.)

We have a colony of beautiful butterflies populating our playroom walls right now, and they will stay with us through the summer…

Oh yeah, and I had these on my office wall when I taught preschool many moons ago. And I didn’t even have kids yet. =)

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