Saturday, July 04, 2009

An authentic 4th of July parade...

Maybe you watched a 4th of July parade today... but we were in one! Aren't you jealous? =) Well, it was a tad bit impromptu. Someone from our neighborhood went around putting flyers in all the mailboxes, proposing a children's parade. Anyone who was interested was supposed to show up at this certain cul de sac at 9:30 a.m.

So last night, we got back from a cookout at a friend's house, and we debated whether or not we'd do this. But hey, the baby wasn't going down easily, and we were still awake, so we brainstormed about whether or not we could pull it together. A few balloons, some red yarn, and some leftover streamer from a baby shower, and the stroller was decorated. =) I'm glad we have a party box in the cupboard with all kinds of randomness in it.

The parade crew... I think there were about 50 people in the parade. There were lots of decorated bicycles and small kids and people carrying flags. Before it started, a mom said a few words about thinking about all those who had sacrificed for our freedom, and she even mentioned thanking the Lord. Interesting... Another mom carried a portable ipod dock with Sousa marches playing. The bicylists ended up leaving those of us with strollers and wagons in the dust, but that's ok. =) And after it was all over, some other family passed out bomb pops to a bunch of the kids. Sweet...

So here we are... a family of 4 on our first 4th together. Evan slept through it all, but he can say he marched, too. =)

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