Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Embracing simple pleasures...

I was looking around at Like Merchant Ships new, re-designed website, and I came across this link.

David and I were talking this weekend about our lifestyle. We've decided that we're still living a city life in the suburbs in a lot of ways. Neither one of us want to spend all our time on weekends in our own back yard. We like to go yard saling, to the lake, to the park, to local festivals. We enjoy being out and about and talking to and interacting with others too much to spend the whole weekend in our house. We have 6 years of no yard or house to care for under our belts, and its shaped what we like to do in our free time.

But now we have a yard and house to maintain, and that does take time and energy to do well. So we're looking for a balance where we can keep things up "good enough," and still get out and about and experience the benefits of living in a medium sized city. We're not looking for perfection with our home maintenance... we're looking for a balanced life.

That being said, this woman's thoughts on taking the time to do simple things from scratch did capture my attention. Doing those things slows you down and helps the crazed suburbanite notice and enjoy the simple things more. You already know I like the smell of fresh baked bread, and here are some other simple pleasures I've been taking more time to notice lately...

- The wonderful variety of birds pecking the ground in our backyard. I think I'm going to get a bird book to identify some of them. My favorite locals are red-breasted robins...

- A hamper full of fresh, clean laundry, waiting in the hall to be carried upstairs.

- Yellow daisies on my table that have lasted for two weeks now! =)

- When Seth brings me the shape sorter and wants to do it with me.

- A bowl full of red grapes, already washed and plucked and ready for eating, sitting, ice cold in the fridge...

I encourage you to take the time today to think about some of the simple blessings that God gives us to enjoy that make a sweet smile come to your face...

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