Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Monster At The End of This Book...

Seth and I ran errands this morning, and one of them was to the local Books a Million. I had a gift card, and I decided to blow it on a sticker book for Seth. =) Hey, I like doing that with him. It's still a gift to me because it makes me feel all preschool teacherish and educational at the end of the day.

Well, I discovered that the bookstore only, like, 2 minutes from my house has a full size.... wait for it... train table!!!! Sweet!!! Another free and close field trip for Mr. Smartypants. He happily played trains while I sat in a chair and browsed through books.

I ran across this one. Oh my. I LOVED this book as a child. It was one of my absolute favorites. If you haven't read it, find yourself a copy. On each page, Grover warns you not to turn the next one, then goes into hysterics when you do. He says he'll stop you by building a wall. You turn the next page, and he's lying in a heap of bricks because you've destroyed his wall. I remember giggling and giggling and giggling some more when I read it. Of course, he is the monster at the end of the book, and so things aren't so dire after all.

Hey, Mom, where is this book? Did we own it? Get it from the library? Is it on the shelf at Mamie's house? I'm looking for my copy now...


Kim H. said...

I'm pretty sure I had that book as well! I loved it - sounds like a lovely day at the bookstore.

Momma B. said...

We had that book here for a while. We may still have it if it hasn't gotten torn up. If we do and you can't find your copy I will send it! It's lots of fun!!