Thursday, June 19, 2008

Interesting link...

I got this link from another mommy blogger in the UK (bonnet tip to ya, though I wasn't sure you'd want me linking to you from this post, so I haven't) who picked it up, and I thought I'd link. I thought it was an interesting look at how homeschooling is sometimes viewed. I wonder how many people share his opinion? What do you think about this way of looking at the issue? I'm curious...


Perry and Amanda said...

I think that he stereotyped home schoolers a little but I agree with his point. Hope Seth feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

fascinating article... I am not (nor do I ever plan to be) a homeschooler, but I was angry to hear what's going on California.
I don't begrudge any homeschooling parent their rights - I might stereotype them the same way this guy did, but I know there are a lot of scenarios where it's best for families.

Shannon said...

I don't necessarily agree with all the stereotyping of "typical" homeschool families," and I don't think they are "hated," but then, my little circle in society is probably different than the "mainstream!" :) I think that the reasons he listed for many parents choosing to homeschool is accurate, and I think it's a blessing that the freedom to make that choice exists. California always seems to be full of crazies...(I used to live there so I feel entitled to say that, haha!)

NotTheMama said...

Hahaha... I wasn't homeschooled, but I had several friends who were, and their moms weren't really anymore "serene" than mine! ;) I think stereotyping any group is not a good idea, I mean even among people who are labeled "Christian" there is a huge variance. I think it depends on the kid and the school system he/she would be attending! I've seen both good and bad public and homeschooling situations.

The Mom said...

Hi Ellen - feel free to link to my blog :-)
Interesting to read the comments here.

Momma B. said...

Thanks for that link. I loved it! I think he hit the nail on the head! Maybe not the stereotype, but the mainstream reaction part! Isn't it so true that we often distrust others because they threaten our values, or lack thereof!?

Brandy Vencel said...

Interesting article. I'm not sure why I didn't see this post last week when you posted it. Hmmm...

Anyhow, I think in general in our society, there is a tendency toward conformity. (And actually, I think instutional education is where that begins, but that could be an entire discussion.) "Tolerance" in our culture has really become a big push to all be reasonably the same. And folks feel "judged" by the mere existence of divergent behaviors. The one thing I don't get is why that is. For instance, to play it in reverse, I don't feel that my homeschooling is judged just because other children go to government schools.

Like I said...interesting perspective...

The Mom said...

I know what you mean about judging. Here in the UK where homeschooling is nothing like as popular nor linked to religion as it seems to be in the US, I often meet people who are extremely defensive (to the point of being offensive) about the fact that we home school.

I also come across some rare characters who are so secure in what they do, that they really couldn't care less what I do. That is a refreshing change - it's a bit like what color of car you drive: I choose blue, you choose red, and we don't fight about it.