Monday, April 21, 2008

The weekly shopping...

A young mother stands in line at Walmart, her weekly groceries filling the conveyor belt. She tugs at her ponytail, trying to ignore the fact that she accidentally wore her ancient, stained "Superstar" sweatshirt jacket to the store.

It's time to get ready to pay for all this food and drink. Her hands reach through her diaper bag pockets. Panic grips her heart. Her wallet! Where is it? Many times, she has feared this very thing as she neglects to find her wallet in its usual spot, but this is the real deal. It has finally happened. Her mind goes back to her Saturday lunch date. She remembers the small, tasteful, non-diaper bag purse that she chose to take along that day. That purse currently sits behind her living room chair. Her living room chair is not with her at Walmart.

A frantic conversation with an intelligent and kind Walmart employee quickly ensues. He finishes ringing up her groceries, puts her transaction on hold through a miracle of technology, and she grabs her baby and runs for the car. Her groceries sit behind the cashier, waiting for her in the store. The living room chair is 10 minutes away, one way.

Slightly sour milk this week, anyone?

And how was your afternoon? =)


The Mom said...

Wow,doesn't happen that way here! Unless you live in a very small town and know the shop owner very well, you'd leave minus the shopping and have to come back and do it all again.

I envy women who can drive!

Momma B. said...

It happens to the best of us. Of course it hasn't EVER happened to me.....but I hear it happens to moms all the time.;)